Rewards Program

Rewards Program

Here at Luminous Brands we have created our rewards loyalty program to say ‘thank you’ to our amazing customers.


Our Rewards

Once you create an account, all orders will start accruing points.

Earn 1 point for every $1 you spend online* to unlock exciting rewards. Once you reach 150 points a $5 coupon is automatically applied to your account to be used on a future purchase**. *Points not earned on shipping/freight charges. **Coupons cannot be redeemed against shipping/freight charges.

To get you to your goal faster, we’ll give you the following additional points:

Earn 25 points for creating an account with us (one time only).

Earn 25 points for leaving a review on a product (per review).

Earn 25 points for liking the Luminous Brands Facebook page (please contact us at and we will verify your like and update your points).

Earn 25 points for every 5th order placed.



How do I join the Luminous Brands Rewards Loyalty Program?

Simply create a Luminous Brands customer account and you will automatically become part of our program (and earn 50 points in the process!). You need to have be an Australian Resident, have a valid postal address and have a valid email address.

How do I check my loyalty points balance and redeem rewards?

Each time you shop online, the points from your purchase will be added to your account automatically. You can log into your account and view your points.

How do I use my rewards?

Once you reach 150 points a $5 coupon is automatically applied to your account to be used on a future purchase*. *coupons cannot be redeemed against shipping/freight charges


Terms and Conditions

1. Program Overview

1.1 The Luminous Brands Rewards Loyalty Program (‘LB Rewards’) is operated by Luminous Brands ABN 54 976 494 024 (‘Luminous Brands’,’LB’, ‘we’ or ‘us’).

2. Applications

2.1 LB Rewards memberships are open to individuals with an Australian residential address and valid email address.

2.2 LB reserves the discretion to accept or reject any application.

2.3 Corporate, distributor  and wholesale accounts are ineligible.

To create your LB account and make the most of the LC Rewards, please visit

3. Transactions

3.1 Customers participating in the LB Rewards can obtain rewards by making purchases at operated by LB and can redeem such awards online.

3.2 Each voucher can only be redeemed once.

3.3 If you redeem your coupon online for a purchase less than the full value of the coupon the balance of the coupon is not redeemable on another purchase.

3.4 If you return any of the items purchased with a coupon, the coupon discount or value may be subtracted from the return credit.

3.5 If you cancel your order before being processed, the points earned for that transaction will also be cancelled.

3.6 Points, discounts, offers or vouchers issued to LB Rewards members are not transferrable and cannot be redeemed for cash.

3.7 LB Rewards will only be applied to accounts where full payment is received at the time of purchase or a deferred payment is made through our preferred suppliers – zipPay and Afterpay.

3.8 Information provided by you and information about transactions will be retained by Luminous Brands.

4. Existing Users, Personal Details & Promotional Extra Points

4.1  Existing user accounts may have points added at our discretion.

4.2 Luminous Brands may offer special points events, such as double points at our  discretion.

4.3 By joining LB Rewards you agree to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with the LB Privacy Policy, as amended by Luminous Brands when required.

5. Changes to the Program

5.1 LB reserves the right to modify the terms of or withdraw the LC Rewards program at any time without prior notice.

5.2 Luminous Brands reserves the right to modify or cancel points and vouchers at any time.

6. Assistance

6.1 Members can view their account information and LB Rewards points by logging on to their account at

6.2 For assistance with LB Rewards members can contact the LB Rewards Help Team at

7. Services

7.1 By joining LB Rewards you agree to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with the LB Privacy Policy, as amended by LB when required.

7.2 By providing your email address, you consent to receiving exclusive Luminous Brands Rewards offers in your inbox.



